64b24ba5a8770ba6bc39016aCherry Blossom Black Shoe Polish 40ghttps://www.seemattistores.com/s/614c1f7944f0ca7f37d6c0df/65d08fbfb672ee35ad94fa8b/cherrypercent20blossompercent20blackpercent20shoepercent20polishpercent2040g-1.jpgCherry Blossom Black Shoe Polish gives shine to your shoes. It is suitable for leather shoes. It keeps shoes looking new for longer while providing protection from dirt and dust. The Cherry Blossom range of shoe care products also includes liquid show polish, wax shoe polish and a handy shoe shine.Buy this product online now.sku-14730
Cherry Blossom Black Shoe Polish gives shine to your shoes. It is suitable for leather shoes. It keeps shoes looking new for longer while providing protection from dirt and dust. The Cherry Blossom range of shoe care products also includes liquid show polish, wax shoe polish and a handy shoe shine.Buy this product online now.